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The Breaking of Meher Baba's Silence

Observing Silence Day

Observing Silence Day

The Silence of Meher Baba — as unheard, as un-understood, as unfathomable ever. And as ever, more than ever, His lovers talk about His Silence. They themselves, so that they might answer the sceptics: Has the Silence been broken? Has the Silence been broken and not been heard? Baba said He will break His Silence while in the body — which body does it mean? Did He mean universal body? Will the breaking of His Silence be manifest in the shape events to come, rather than in Sound form? A hundred questions, having as many answers as there are lovers. Not only had each lover his or her answer, each lover is an answer. That the questions don’t question the breaking of His Silence, but simply seek to know ‘when’ and ‘how,’ is enough answer for the sceptics of the world. In His lovers’ unwavering faith and love, Baba’s Silence is heard continuously.

The 10th of July, a day for the world to observe in honour of the Silence observed by God as Man for men. As beloved Baba had wished His lovers to observe silence (without the option of a fast) for twenty-four hours on 10th July last year, 1968, so we feel that all His lovers must observe silence from night of July 9 to midnight of July 10 of this year, 1969 — and for all years to come.

—Source: Mani S. Irani, 82 Family Letters, letter no. 81, March 14, 1969, p. 347.



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