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The Breaking of Meher Baba's Silence

Prophecies of Meher Baba

“Once, in Cannes, in discussing a letter which he [Baba] had recently received, and in which the writer was bewailing the fact that Baba’s promises were not materializing according to his schedule, he indicated to me that everything he had promised would come true, ‘but in my own time and in my own way.’” —Jean Adriel, Avatar, p. 146

“My every word will come true, but I alone know how, when and where. You will not be able to understand them. To talk about and understand such subjects requires special ears and a different tongue.”

―Meher Baba quoted in Lord Meher, online rev. ed., p. 354, Manzil-e-Meem, 1922

Another version:

“The world is against spirituality, and so against me, as I have so often told you. Don’t be hasty in forming opinions regarding my words and deeds. My words will prove to be true, but I alone know how, when and where. You will not understand them, because to understand mystical statements supernatural intelligence is required.”

―Meher Baba, quoted in  C. B. Purdom, The Perfect Master, p. 57


Assorted Prophecies of Meher Baba

A Glorious Dawn: Spiritual Prophecies of Meher Baba

The Worst Scenario

Wars & Disasters

Cleansing of the World

Two Aspects of Divinity

Coming Back in 700 Years

The Whole World Must Be Redeemed

Russia Holds the Key

Something Great Will Happen

Space Brothers to the Rescue?

The Dark Cloud

The Dark Cloud and the Fogger, Commentary by Chris Ott


The Hollywood Bowl

The Master’s Promises



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